Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My 1st grade classroom

            My 1st day in 1st grade.  Unlike, kindergarten there weren’t many crying faces and the classroom was not as colorful as the predecessor.  Since it was a Catholic school, everyone seemed to blend together since we all wore the same thing, with the only exception being that the female half of the school wore skirts and their male counterparts wore pants, naturally.  The board hung on the wall in front of the room.  Above, was stabled the number line which was all colorful and the numbers were personified with cartoonish eyes, arms and legs, this nonsensical thing attracted much of my attention.  The doorway to the hall stood beside the blackboard which was, for some apparent reason, greenish in color.  When you come into the classroom on your right would sit everyone’s desk.  Which were individual desk all facing the board, aligned perfectly with its row and column.  On the left were the coat racks which pretended to be lockers or where made into lockers unknowingly.  Everyone had their own coat rack, which was always over stuffed and spilled out onto the floor.  They were quite messy when the classroom was active and full, papers were always everywhere.  In mine, hid my bad progress reports. 

            Toward the back of the room sat the teacher’s desk, which also face forward.  And behind that were the big window or perhaps at the time they were bigger that mine which probably made them seem bigger than they were.  Even though they were big the only thing you can see outside them was the adjacent building, which was the Cathedral.  The Cathedral was huge on the inside and I always found it beautiful.  We went there often for prayer and sometimes communion, I remember doing a confessional once, too. But, I don’t remember what I confessed.  But back to our classroom.  The ceiling had lights that hung down but, not too far from the ceiling.  Those lights, I remember whenever the classroom was real quiet you could hear them silently hum a bored buzzing sound.  The classroom smelled like old library, which gave off a dusty somewhat ancient book smell.  On the wall to the far right of the classroom beyond the desk, were all types of posters.  There were posters of animals, sesame street characters, tele-tubbies, power rangers, Jesus, Santa, etc.  The wall even had the alphabet poster, which was used when we covered the letters, spelling, and sounds of letters.  Although it was dull compared to the colorful kindergarten class, it had a comfortable feeling.

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