Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Today we went over the second half of the book and discussed a few sections from there.  We looked at Live wire, which was about a down power line that scared everyone, although no one got her everyone in the neighborhood stared at it.  It was compared to the death of his brother and how no one saw this coming, although the knew the day would come, they were not ready for it.  But, who could be ready for the death of a family member?

We looked at the house of the future which talked about the author's trip to Disney World with his family in his boyhood.  He thoroughly described the House of the Future attraction that they had back then.  And how the house had all these gadgets and did all these cool things.  Like how the house had mobile lighting that bathe the rooms in a glow and warmth like that of the sun's light.  He also, talked about how the house had ten times as many windows as a normal home.  He talked about the large pool the house had and compared to a kiddie pool and how much more amazing it looked with it's amoeba shape.

In the same work, he spoke of his brother's death and how it affected the family.  That day in November, how it was cloudy before the days leading up to his brother's death and how it rained non-stop on that day.  He also, talked about how his parents were out of it.  How blank they were.  with his mother just holding an unlit cigarette and his father just driving almost directionless.  I pictured such a sad sight.

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