Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Assignment 2 Poem 2: Purpose

"Bzzzt Bzzt Bzzzt".
He taps the snooze button.
"I have to pick her up soon."
He scratches his stomach and looks at the clock.
"2:00 January 20th" it reads.
"The 20th" he repeats.  He stares at the clock while despair set in.
He gets dressed, grabs his phone, and keys then he leaves.
He scurries down the street in his Camaro.
"Dinner" pops into his head from some random oblivion.
As does "Flowers".  He uses gps for the nearest flower shop and begins it's course.
He grabs his phone attempts to make reservations for the fanciest restaurant in town.
He is now a man with purpose, and like a puppy running from the word "vet",he cannot be stopped.
He fails to get a table, he tries another place.  Meanwhile, he reaches the flower shop.
He notices a call coming in, he looks and it's her, he stops and turns to stone.
He is a man with purpose who will not be stopped even by the purpose itself.
He remains on the line with the restaurant who has him on hold.
Inside the shop he buys roses by the dozen, 3 to be exact. "Red" he says happily.
Once again, she calls, it chips away at him but he doesn't answer her call.
Failing to get a table,"Chris, what now?" he asks.
Their first date enters his mind, "That place!" he shouts.
He calls and begs for a table and gets one.  At that time he gets out the car and begin toward her.
She's facing the opposite direction but he knows it's her.
His phone rings again, he lets it vibrate.  She turns around.
Mission Accomplished!

1 comment:

  1. Ok,nice work here. Please see the assignment sheet at the end of the syllabus and make sure to post responses to the readings. You can post your poems here, but you have to also do the reading response assignments every week.
